Thank you very much.^^
I am trying to find out if my Sony FDD a 3Mode-FDD or not, and to get it's driver for SuperI/O Windbond W83877TF for WinXP, but I haven't found the driver for XP yet after my searching.
Also, seems almost all the drivers only support Japanese version of Windows, that would be another a big concern of mine..^^|||
Anyway, I am still working on it, and thank you again for your kindness.
By the way, Here is a Japanese-English translation website
which is very helpful to me to try to read here, and for your reference.
Thanks and thanks again....,and
Have a nice day.
> "Help!!! Question about DiskExplorer" Julian Li wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am sorry that I can't speak Japanese, so that I could only write to you in English,
> > I have a question about using DiskExplorer for it's Extension function.
> Never mind, I am fully understand your request and welcome.
> > I've downloaded "" and "diskexp_io_spec_01.lzh", unzipped them, and saved the unzipped files in the same directory.
> > I run Editdisk.exe and click "Extended" function Bar, then choose "Create disk image from disk", then I assign the path of the XDF
> file, name the XDF file, assign "A:" as the "Source", lock the floppy disk, choose "1232" KB, then press "Excute". Then a window pop up
> shows "Disk I/O error". Apparently, it doesn't work out.
> Your operation is exactly correct, but it seems that your hardware is not
> capable of reading the disk formatted in 1232 KB. A special FDD and driver
> called 3-mode FDD is required to extract a 1232 KB disk. They are selled
> commonly in our nation (but it is little more expensive than usual one), but
> I dont know they are selled in your nation.
> Does anyone have good idea ?